The recent studies highlighted that about 8–10Mt of plastic debris is entering the oceans annually and 70–80% of the quantity is generated on land and transported by rivers and a variety of surface water flows. As a result, there are a growing number of national and regional movements the world over dedicated to tackling plastic pollution through enhancement of circular economy, 3Rs, waste management systems, and clean-up activities.
In Indonesia, the municipal solid waste that is generated from households, commercial establishments or from public spaces and buildings should be collected by formal waste collection services. The waste is brought to the municipal sorting infrastructure where the recyclables are recovered, and the rejected waste is disposed of at local landfills. However, without proper waste management systems in place, close to 70% or 4.8 million tons of the plastic waste generated annually in Indonesia is mismanaged.
This is a result of a deficient municipal collection which is compounded by a lack of sufficient sorting facilities and sanitary landfills. 72% of the mismanaged plastic waste originates in semi-rural and rural regions of the country. In the absence of a sustained formal collection system, the informal sector steps in and is responsible for driving a considerable portion of the plastic recovery in the country.
The project is a plastic waste collection project.
South Korea
Grouped projects shall include one or more sets of eligibility criteria for the inclusion of new project activity instances. At least one set of eligibility criteria for the inclusion of new project activity instances shall be provided for each combination of project activity and geographic area specified in the project description. Grouped projects shall include eligibility criteria to ensure that new project activity instances
Have characteristics with respect to additionality that are consistent with the initial instances for the specified project activity and geographic area. For example, the new project activity instances have financial, technical and/or other parameters (such as the size/scale of the instances) consistent with the initial instances, or face the same investment, technological and/or other barriers as the initial instances.